years of changing lives.

ur story began in 2000. Irma Johnson, former principal of Dallas F. Nicholas School, said:
“My fifth grade girls show so much promise and potential, but when they transition to middle school, we gradually begin to lose them. Some may say they lose themselves.”
I heard what she said and the story began. It began that simply, with six girls and a vision. By the second year, there were three schools and eighteen girls and a program that just grew and grew. Mentors stepped up. Funders stepped up. Volunteers stepped up. This is how things begin. People understand; hearts are moved.
As we embarked on this journey, we were advised that most non-profits don’t make it. Others asked how we would get funding. And what about the boys? While important things to consider, I couldn’t let someone else write our story. The story must be your own.
Many life stories were written for our girls, not by them. Stories that say a child in poverty is two times less likely to go to college or to become employed but two times more likely to become pregnant as a teenager or become incarcerated. A story written by yesterday, not rewritten for tomorrow. But for that life to change, how we envision that life must change.
We are so fortunate to have a community of mentors and mentees who are committed to Sisters Circle. Our mentors give so much of themselves and recognize the importance of sticking with it for the long haul. Our mentees show the courage to get outside their comfort zones, meet new people and try new things. Throughout this process, we learn from one another, challenge our biases, and dare to change.
What an honor and a gift it is to be among these amazing young women. I cannot wait to see all that is in store for them in the years to come. I cannot wait to see how their stories unfold.
Heather Harvison
Founder and Executive Director
We are not done. We commit to further growth and transformation.