Nothing is possible without our team of one-to-one mentors.
Our mentors live out our mission. These relationships are where we really shine. Our volunteers range in age from 25 to 75, and fifty percent are women of color. Geographically, they reside in Baltimore City as well as Baltimore, Howard, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s, and Harford Counties. They reflect a variety of careers, including healthcare, education, technology, business, and law. What they all have in common is a desire and commitment to make a real difference in the lives of our young women and our community. Mentors and mentees alike share the role of both teacher and learner.
Stephanie Radday
Director of Mentor Support and Programs
Heather Harvison
Founder and Executive Director
Pam Kasemeyer, Board Chair
Schwartz, Metz and Wise, P.A.
Robin Boyd
Tax Principal
SC&H Group
Sadie Drescher
Director of Programs for Restoration
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Honorable Stephanie Gallagher
United States Magistrate Judge
United States District Court
Khusmanie Lila, Graduate Representative
Doctoral Candidate
Johns Hopkins University
Glendora Hughes
General Counsel
Maryland Commission on Civil Rights
Douglas Holthaus
Executive Director and Client Advisor
J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Theresa Macheski
Special Gifts Officer
Kennedy Krieger Institute
Shelly Malis
Dignity Grows
Cheryl Steinbacher
Human Resource Executive Consultant
Michele Welsh
Marketing Director
Verdence Capital Advisors
One of the ways our mission-driven organization makes a deep impact is through community partnerships. New student referrals are generated through our long-standing partnership with Baltimore City Public Schools. We collaborate and connect with a variety of local businesses, faith communities and non-profit organizations to provide quality mentor-mentee programs and resources.
Mentors range
in age from 25
to 65 and older.
About half our
mentors are
women of color.
Close to the
majority have their
master’s degrees.